Rewrite and the beginning of version 2.0

EDIT, TWO (THREE?) HOURS LATER: there were a bunch of hotfixes and a lot of me not fully understanding the butler.  Thank you for your patience.

It's been a while.

2.0 is an update I was working on for almost a year, on and off.  The plan was to have merged enemies and enemies gaining the ability to mutate, along with some other secret stuff.

The enemy content and secret content are not in this build.

It was taking too long for me to get to a point where I was satisfied.  I feel I've made some improvements, though, so I wanted to get this work-in-progress version out there and let people try it.

There's a lot of optimizations that happened (I learned new things, I rewrote basically the whole mod) and a few design changes.  I won't go into everything, but here are some highlights/major differences:

  • (+) excessive optimizing
    • It got to the point where it felt like the main slowdowns were either from trying to keep quality high (hiding mutations that technically don't exist) or just stuff outside of my control.
  • (+) modded mutations can be merged
    • If you are a mod developer, consider using #define skill_mergeable and returning false for the mutations you wish to not work with this system.  By default my mod will assume things are okay.
  • (+) modded crowns can be merged
    • Similarly to the above, there is a crown_mergeable script that you can add to your crowns to prevent my mod from butchering their artwork and splicing together a description.
  • (+) added extralevels.mod.gml
    • It's a mod I made in a short amount of time that lets you "loop" your levels, so you can go beyond 10.  The level cap is controlled by the user.   (link will be here for a separate download once it's on
  • (~) lots of little code changes during the rewrite that were fun to figure out and added to the polish
  • (-) maximum amounts of pieces are limited to being between 1 and 4
    • I wanted to try some new, more reliable ways to generate the mutations and make everything work smoothly.  Eventually I came across the concept of linear congruential generators (a type of seeded randomness) and thought it would be the way to go.
    • It works well, but a problem is that it relies on combinations having a lexicographical order.  When the numbers become too large to operate on, there's some failures in the mod (overflow to negatives/become infinity, breaking the generator).
    • Just don't load too many mutations at once is what I'm trying to say.  Absolute maximum combinations is (28 + modded_mutation_count) ^ piece_count without heavy heart, or (29 + modded_mutation_count) ^ piece_count with.  Exponents make numbers get really big, really fast.

If you find a bug, please report it.  I'll fix it when possible.

Files 114 kB
Version 2.0 without the new stuff 4 Aug 09, 2021

Get 700,000 Mutations

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